Hidden Disabilities

Prayerfully Moving Throughout the Year

Many of us move throughout the days with what I call ‘hidden disabilities’. I have ‘hidden disabilities’ that can easily become ‘soul-disabling disabilities’ if I don’t allow the Lord to be my stronghold.
When my car was plowed into TWO TIMES on New Year’s Eve because of a snow storm, I found myself asking the question, “How can I get out of this mess?” I have been challenged to reframe that question and asked myself, “How can God be glorified in this situation?”
It has become an AMAZING personal story of how God used my old beat up car as the beginning of what I would call, the God Show‘! Some of you have been a significant part pf ‘the God Show’ in my life.
Thank you for continuing to encourage me to ‘serve the purpose of God in my generation’ (Acts 13:36)!
May He continue to be glorified!